Meet the team:

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RoseMary Wereley

RoseMary Wereley has been involved with the Healing Arts for over 30 years.

Over the years, RoseMary has facilitated Healing Circles, Visualization Classes on Chakra balancing, Qigong, Singing and Drumming and Native American Healing Ceremonies.

For the last 2+ years, due to covid restrictions, she has been offering remote Spiritual Consultations, also known as Sacred Articulations, coupled with Auric Cleansing and Revitalization. Her healing and rejuvenating practices draw on her extensive background with Reiki.


Abbi Jaffe

Abbi is a politicized somatic movement educator, social worker, community builder and embodiment activist. She co-runs The Everything Space and co-created and co-teaches the professional development course Growing Resilience: Being Trauma Informed. As a long time wilderness guide, Abbi has been leading people on expeditions in the wilderness and within themselves since 2000. She is also a certified Somatic Body Practitioner, a certified Somatic Movement Educator through ISMETA, and has a Bachelor's of Social Work from the University of Vermont.

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Faith Orr

Faith is a French-to-English translator, certified yoga teacher, and queer liberation activist. Her professional and personal background have led her to examine how LGBTQ+ folks experience trauma through a linguistic approach—semantics, prescriptive grammar, and wording. She believes yoga is preventative medicine and strives to provide laid-back and accessible classes for all to feel valued and safe in their practice. 

A special thank you and appreciation to Rachel Adam for her dedication and hard work in creating this website!